Alex Raposo
(905) 522-6555 Ext. 272
Alex enjoys working with clients in every step of the accounting process, including bookkeeping, tax filings, financial information preparation, and day-to-day data entry. He works with clients in a variety of industries including; real estate, professional corporations, construction, and restaurants.
Alex joined Pettinelli Mastroluisi LLP in 2019 as a co-op student before graduating from Mohawk College with an Honours Diploma of Accounting in 2020, rejoining the firm full-time in 2020. Since then, he has worked closely with the firm to develop and implement training procedures for students and junior staff. He also provides junior staff with support and guidance in the accounting and tax filing fields.
In his off hours, Alex is a proud supporter of both the Portuguese and German soccer leagues. He also enjoys watching football and a wide variety of other sports. Alex loves spending time with family and friends while sharing in food, drinks, and good conversations.